Monday, April 30, 2012

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: For a friend, grieving.

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: For a friend, grieving.: By Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author’s program note. Many great musicians have written notable funeral music. The need for such music is great when...

For a friend, grieving.

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author’s program note. Many great musicians have written notable funeral music. The need for such music is great when a beloved one passes… because words, no matter how apt, seem inadequate to their soothing task, now urgent; and so we look to music for the solace words cannot give. Thus I have selected Edvard Grieg’s “Funeral March for Rikard Nordraak” composed in 1866 to accompany these reflections.
It was written in honor of his friend and fellow Norwegian composer Rikard Nordraak, who died in March of that year, just 23 years old.
As a posthumous gift to his friend, Grieg wrote this piece at once, writing it as a piano piece in A minor. He so valued it that not only did he travel with it so that it could be immediately available for his concerts… but he directed it be played at his own funeral. And so it was, in 1907, in an orchestration by Grieg’s friend and colleague Johan Halvorsen.
You will find it in any search engine. It is at once sombre, intimate, and, as all such music must be, uplifting. For it is the privilege of music to inspire and guide us to a better place where we can remember uninterrupted and without rush or hurray. As I listen, I feel sure Grieg knew that place, and I want you to know it, too.
My dear friend,
We men of science and education, we men of sophistication and travels, we men of thought and reflection, we think we will be ready when the news arrives… but we are all, despite calm reflections and thoughtful preparations, caught unawares by the unfathomable realities of the death of the person we love.
The news catches you up. Whatever you are doing, no matter how important it was just a moment ago, is important no longer. You r thoughts, all your thoughts are now about the great voyage already commenced by the dear departed.
We know this death. We have seen it before and yet… and yet… this death is unlike any which has come before because it touches you so in the core of your humanity. This is your friend who has died… your friend now gone… your friend in the process of leaving you forever and everything that was his, forever. And you scream, this cannot be… yet you are a man of science and understand when humans die. But science cannot help us here… any of us.
You want to rush to any window and throw up the sash, to see the heavens clearly… to see, though you know you cannot see, the great spirit of your friend ascending… as surely it must be.
You want to run and open your front door, racing out into the courtyard, where in the brightness of autumnal night, an unimagined immensity of stars overhead, you are sure, you are sure some trace of that great ascending spirit can be seen.
Yet you see nothing but what you have always seen… and this will not do, for a great event is occurring, as your friend is leaving you forever… and going where he must go and you cannot. You feel a sense of uncontrollable urgency… that this injustice cannot be, that this friend cannot and must not be taken from you and far away, forever, gone for all eternity. There is panic in your mind and in your heart. Something is happening that sore afflicts you… and yet there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can do, can think, can say. This is where despair begins… and the pain is unbearable. Now you truly know loss and wonder that any human can bear it.
And yet we humans do bear it… it is the hardest thing we must do… nothing is more difficult for all this occurs to us, in front of us, around us… yet nothing we say or do matters, and this maddens us and reminds us of our immutable limitations and how we, so grand and significant in our own minds, are as nothing set against the immensities of time, space, and of God, whom now we recall and beg for understanding, relief, and serenity.
And God hears us.
And gives us the balm of grief.
And it is this grief you are feeling now and which has brought me to you, to succor and relieve you at this great moment of great loss. For no human should ever grieve alone, burdened by memory. God does not demand so much of us; He recognizes the frailty of our humanity. And gives us each other for comfort.
Thus I shall sit with you a companionable while, no words necessary between you and me. And we shall, from time to time, speak of indifferent subjects, and so break the gloom. And in this amiable silence, you will, I know, think of the one gone before… for that matter is pressing.
Then, for I know you so well, you will remind me of a tale of this friend now gone, a tale you told me once in happier days. A tale of wit and joy and laughter… for your friend departed was clever and had a touch of devilry about him. And we shall laugh together… and thus I shall advance my task, the task of helping you resurrect joyous memories… the memories that bridge despair and make bearable so much unbearable sadness. Such memories offer a lifetime of solace… and it is my task to prompt you to remember, as if you with your great heart ever needed such prompting, much less now. In this room, in the gentle silence, there is healing. There is life and there is vibrant memory. So necessary. So soothing. So peaceful that, for an instant, we forget the sad occasion which brings us together and expect the friend to knock and, smiling, come within.
But just as we must never be overwhelmed by this occasion and the burden of memory, so we must never forget and so push away the bright memories that remain… for in these memories of him are many of the best memories of you. And we must never risk these in our reaching for serenity. For such serenity, if it comes at the cost of memory, was too high bought.
So, remember….
Go out now in the chill autumnal night and now look up again. There, though you still cannot see, there your friend, his spirit, ascends with your love and grief, intermingled for eternity. Look now and in your mind’s eye see all rise together. You a part of him, as all who know him and remember also are, for he traverses eternity with friends, and that, too, is solace.
Grieve! Grieve! This night away… and the day that follows… and let the warm tears flow, for he well deserves this final salute.. yours so rich and freely given.
A life has ended… a dear life… a life beloved, a life which has given and accepted love… this life is complete now and truly gone. But as it ascends unto eternity it calls down to us, the living, for the continuation of our love in memory and stark remembrance.
Look up, for his great and unending spirit speaks to you now… and bids you fond farewell. Give it now… and fully… for if he leaves this part of him with you, so he takes, and forever too, a great part of you with him, and so wherever he is going, you, his friend, are going too for evermore and forever, always remembered, never forgotten, and always loved. For he was rich in that as you have always also been.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: Some Good Advice in Harness with Video Marketing

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: Some Good Advice in Harness with Video Marketing: Videos are highly used in marketing and promoting products these days. In this article, we’ll be looking at some effective ways to use vide...

Some Good Advice in Harness with Video Marketing

Videos are highly used in marketing and promoting products these days. In this article, we’ll be looking at some effective ways to use video marketing to promote your business. Tons of people nowadays make money on the Internet and enjoy the extra cash it brings in.
An important part of the overall effect of the video is the title. When people are searching for videos online,they will try to use specific keywords. For example, if I were to look for cooking videos, I would search cooking tips or cooking techniques. Your goal is to use a title that reaches your target audience as well as getting ranked for your specific keywords. Keep the title short and precise, and use specific targeted keywords. You have to see to it that the title makes complete sense and that you’re not going out of context while writing it. You want to make the title eye catching, as this is the first thing people focus on when they find the video. You want to be able to grab peoples attention with a well worded title. If you’ve tried your hand at copywriting, you’ll know the value of strong headlines. Titles for videos are very much the same. You want your target audience to understand the purpose of your videos. You can do this perfectly in the title of your video. You want your title to state the purpose of the video, while being short and to the point.
It is worth it in the end once you are able to effectively apply this technique.
Make sure your video site map is easily accessible to ensure good rankings and quick searches. When you use targeted keywords in your anchor text linked to your videos, the search engines are better able to accurately locate your video. The reason why a sitemap has become so important is because the search engines have gone really advanced and they want to serve the best results, in the fastest possible way. You want to give the search engines a quick line and access to your videos, and using a video site map is the best way to do it. It’s not hard to make money online when you know what’s to be done.
Be sure to use appropriate and specific keywords in your video so that you will reach your targeted audience. It pays to have a keyword rich description; because this info will give help the search engines rank your video better.
In conclusion, video marketing can be seen as a simple and effective way to drive targeted traffic to your website, without actually paying for it.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: What to do when your customer says “NO!”

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: What to do when your customer says “NO!”: by Dr. Jeffrey Lant It’s sad, but it’s going to happen to you today: a prospect is going to say no to your offer. That, however, is NOT imp...

What to do when your customer says “NO!”

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
It’s sad, but it’s going to happen to you today: a prospect
is going to say no to your offer. That, however, is NOT
important. What is, is knowing what to do when it
happens. That’s what separates the men from the
boys; the business people who will profit from those
who won’t!
1) Prepare for the decline
People who succeed in business do not expect
every single prospect to purchase what they’re
selling immediately, effortlessly.  No way!
Instead, they anticipate that while some will
buy, many will not. Their job is to anticipate those
declines and to prepare in advance what to do
when they get them.
2) Write down every potential objection you
will hear. Then answer them.
The worst possible way to handle an objection
is spontaneously, on the fly. To render the best
reply, you must consider the best reply, crafting,
improving it as you go.
Face it: some people are going to decline
your offer. You should be prepared to respond
immediately when it happens. This means
brainstorming all possible objections… and
coming up with the best, most telling responses.
Your use of these responses must be swift and
sure. There’s no time for improvisation when your
sale hangs in the balance!
3) Ask customers why they’ve declined your
Successful business people, people who get
rich from business, are never daunted by
hearing “No!” from a customer.  They see this
response, however adamant,  as nothing but a
milestone on the way to making that sale.
Successful marketers know that any “no” means
“tell me more”, not “go away, get lost.”
4) Ask why
The first step upon hearing the customer decline
your offer… is to ask why.
Treat “why” as an essential tool in making the sale.
The minute your prospect starts telling you why…
you are on your way to a certain sale because the
very act of answering this question means the prospect
is willing to work with  you to reverse the very answer
they’ve just given you! Thus asking “why” is essential
to getting to yes.
5) Listen carefully
While your customer is explaining why she declined
your offer, LISTEN. The natural tendency is to barge
ahead, overwhelming the customer. This is a mistake.
Instead, ask the customer why she declined; then give
her the time and courtesy to listen to her response
without any interruption whatsoever.
6) Make sure the customer understands your original

By asking the customer why she has declined  your
offer, you may discover that she doesn’t really understand
what you are offering. If she doesn’t, present the offer again,
making sure the customer understands absolutely
everything you are offering and its substantial value and
7) When  your initial offer is not enough
If you have presented your offer clearly… if you feel
the customer understands it but is still not willing to
bite, it’s time to IMPROVE YOUR OFFER!
Now hear this: before you ask a single customer for
a sale, you must brainstorm every single thing you
can offer prospects to induce them to buy.
You must NEVER try to improvise an offer when
you are speaking to a customer. Instead, you should
have at your finger tips the extra goodies you can offer
a customer, goodies that will make the sale without breaking
the bank!
“Ms. Prospect, I see you want to get our widget… and
I want you to have it. I’m going to improve my original
offer to make sure you get it! Let me show you what
you can get if you purchase today!”
8) When money — or lack thereof –is the problem
Be prepared to hear from customers over and
over again that money is the problem. This may or
may not be true. Your job is to be prepared either way.
Ask your customers if they would purchase your
product if they had the money. If they say yes, then
your job becomes improving the offer until the
customer understands it would be foolish not to
buy. Improving the offer may well induce the customer
to ‘fess up and buy… or risk losing the terrific offer
you have made. Improve the offer and in a minute or
two people who have just told you they’re broke will
magically “find” the funds. With improved offers, this
happens time after time!
Note: make it clear to your prospect exactly what
this improved offer contains. Also, be sure the
customer understands that this is a limited-time
offer and that it cannot and will not be repeated.
Make sure the customers understands; this is
essential in ensuring acceptance of this offer!
9) When lack of money really is the problem
Of course, some people — particularly in our difficult
economic days — really are broke. They need a different
approach. For this situation, too, you should have
planned in advance. Can you offer
* improved payment terms
* readily available credit resources (like
those at
* details on how to secure a pre-paid credit
card, etc.
In short are you ready to be helpful when your
interested, but cash challenged, customer is
ready to act? That’s mandatory… if you want this
Turning a no into a yes is what determines your
business success!
Let me be blunt: you cannot achieve maximum
business success and the profits that go with it
unless and until  you can turn no into yes. Therefore,
mastering the steps in this article is essential to
your maximum well being.
Thus, start today. Never let a prospect go until
you have exhausted every approach to securing
his business. Treat this as a great game, a game
constantly testing your skills and ingenuity; one
with the greatest possible benefits to both your
customer and yourself. For you, hearing the word
no only focuses and concentrates your efforts.
After all, YOU are prepared for this moment. You
know what to do and when to it. You are more
determined to make this sale than the prospect is
to decline it.  As a result, this is not just a sale
you will wish for; it is a sale you will get!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: How Can I Put Together A Good Resume to Increase M...

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: How Can I Put Together A Good Resume to Increase M...: When seeking job CV writing is possibly the most valuable skill that one must improve. It is definitely among the most vital parts of your ...

How Can I Put Together A Good Resume to Increase My Employment Chances

When seeking job CV writing is possibly the most valuable skill that one must improve. It is definitely among the most vital parts of your job hunting scenario. In a comprehensive manner it tells nearly everything about you that include educational details, experience and skill set. A CV and a resume are treated as similar in most parts of the world except in Canada and The US.
It is the initial document with your details that the potential employer views. A resume is mostly short, precise and crisp. On going through the CV, the employer would have formed a reasonable idea or an impression of you as an individual. The resume shows a few points that mainly suits a job and makes you the perfect candidate. This is mostly followed by an interview and possibily even employment.
CV writing is usually organized into two categories. These are functional and chronological format. Chronological format is usually very simple and very practical. It is an ideal format for the people who have followed an usual and a rational career path. The most recent job is listed at the top ad the rest of the experiences listed into a chronological format.
Functional CV’s are popularly written when shifting jobs. They address the numerous functional capacities that you could have handled over the years. These rsums are tailor made to match the certain job requirements. They are especially focused on the specific skill required for a particular vacancy.
Another format is the mixed one where both chronological and the functional format are well utilized. This one first lists the skills and experiences in the chronological format. However, the format is not very admired as there is huge scope of repetition.
New age online resume writing is the most common one today. Most resumes are written online and the employers obtain them on net. Resumes are chosen to be written, received and even managed only online.
Online resumes are just written on word document that can simply be handled by employers as well as job seekers. Many employers perhaps however, seek your resume in PDF or HTML as well.
Resumes are accessible to all the employers through the search engines nowadays. The keywords will aid the employer to find the candidate who matches the job best in least possible time. Therefore, incorporate the right words that are perfect to explain your job skills.
To make the search easier for the employer, use the right set of keywords that match your job description well and skills too while CV writing. This will carry the employer to the best candidate and you to the job you have been looking for.
With increase in long distance interviews, video and audio CV’s are becoming very widespread too. The employers land at seeing you as a person along with the details required. There is absolutely no scope of any mistaken identity while taking an interview over the video conferencing or even the telephone.
CV writers help you create the ideal cv to land the job with ease. Resume writing services are affordable, but will give you a much better chance of success.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: The Practical Skinny on Tank Tops

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: The Practical Skinny on Tank Tops: Sleeveless tops are trend staples that date back to historic times. Earlier civilizations wore sleeveless tops, which is obvious by glancin...

The Practical Skinny on Tank Tops

Sleeveless tops are trend staples that date back to historic times. Earlier civilizations wore sleeveless tops, which is obvious by glancing at any historical past or artwork e-book that covers topics like Greek civilization. The tank-top revolution didn’t stop there. The roots of tank tops also have a historical past in athletics. In the 1800s, males wore bathing fits that resembled tank tops with a pair of shorts.
What does this imply for the trendy fashionista, or for individuals who wear sugar lips for simplicity? It means having choices, and a whole lot of them.
Tanks tops are modern and so they by no means go out of style. Out of your basic ribbed tanks to ones with spaghetti straps, these essential items complement any wardrobe type. If that you must hide some flaws, choose tanks tops with contoured seems to help shape your body. Whether you want tank tops for casual put on, for dressing up, or as pajama tops, shops and on-line retailers will guide you to find ones that greatest suit your needs.
After discovering the proper match, coordinate your tanks to suit multiple kinds of engagements. For an evening out, pair a dressier tank top with a pair of dark denim bootcut denims and a pair of boots. Dressier tanks can be found in many fabrics types from cotton and lycra blends, to rayon and silk fabrics. Specifically, silk tank tops provide a pleasant possibility when going out for a fancy dinner. As a result of many silk tanks have a flowing feel to them around the waist and hips, they provide an awesome option for any body type.
They are additionally staples for informal, exercise, and business wear. Tanks are a necessary “go to” possibility for operating errands and even going to a movie. If the weather is on the cooler aspect, pair your tank along with your favourite hoody or layering shirt. Tank tops are additionally classic items to put on below a go well with or cardigan. For example, a camisole is a sort of shirt. Wearing one with just a little lace on the top provides a little bit of femininity to your enterprise wardrobe.
Breathable tanks with mesh linings present an ideal choice when working out. Not only do they contour to your physique for a perfect fit, they wick away moisture so that you keep cool when working out. For yoga and pilates’ fanatics, these train tanks assist and stretch with your body for optimum comfort.
Typically much less is more. If these tops have a sample, or elaborations akin to beads, you don’t want to over-accessorize. Bear in mind you want the give attention to the design of that tank. If your tank top is easy, it’s possible you’ll add some flair to your look by pairing one with bracelets or earrings.
Better of all, fashion tops are available all different shapes and types to suit any personality. These style staples will all the time stay fashionable and you may mix and match them everytime you wish to spice up, or costume down, your look.

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: How to research and write the cleanest, clearest, ...

Making My 1st Million Online...$1 At A Time: How to research and write the cleanest, clearest, ...: by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Millions of people worldwide are waking up to the fact that they are going to have a blog — no ifs, ands, or buts. Th...

How to research and write the cleanest, clearest, most persuasive blog copy on earth — fast, too!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Millions of people worldwide are waking up to the fact that they are going to have a blog — no ifs, ands, or buts. That a blog — a personal marketing and communications device — is no longer a luxury. If you expect to stay on the cutting edge of the ‘net, you’re going to be a blog publisher, or else.
If you’ve accepted this fact, you’re on the right road. If you haven’t, you’re already a dinosaur… but let’s, for purposes of today’s discussion, suppose that you have decided to produce a blog… and want the results to be superb, meaning to create a blog that’s timely, well-written, persuasive and that delivers the cash, too.
Here are some key recommendations to produce this necessary result:
1) The most effective blogs are published on a regular, announced schedule, not just when you feel like it.
This point should need no discussion… but it does. One of the major problems I see in my work with blog publishers (I write their articles for them) is that these folks still see the business of blogging as something casual, episodic, to be done when and if they have the time.
That’s completely wrong. Blogs, like every other periodical on earth, must have a regular date and time they will be written and released This gives your readers something solid to hold on to, to look forward to. You want your readers to know that you are a person of deadlines and schedules; someone they can rely on.
Stop thinking of your blog as something you can do whenever you feel like it, catch as catch can. Is this how you want your customers, your readers to see you? Not if you value their business.
2) Resolve to say Something Important in every issue of your blog.
When you see most blogs, you have to wonder why their “publishers” ever got out of bed to do them. Trivia! Drivel! Published so that their publishers can say they have a blog… rather than to say something timely! Significant! Motivating!
Now hear this: if you’re one of these myopic blogsters, you’re sabotaging your success. Blogs work because they deliver useful information that informs, persuades, excites and enthuses your readers… just the way all great publishers have from the very first day of the very first publisher.
Publishers present stories that lift up the readers…. and do everything in their power to create, develop, and maintain the crucial link between publisher and reader, creating prosperity for both.
3) Create the all-important blog article idea file.
Visit my office in Cambridge, Massachusetts ,and you see an assembly line for the creation of intellectual property. The first crucial link in this production process is the article idea file. It’s a must.
Start with a pair of good scissors and the most important newspaper in your area. Supplement this material with the most important newspaper(s) in your country. Add other specialty publications to this list, publications which follow developments in your given field.
Go through these publications regularly and cut out articles that contain information of value and interest to your readers. Make sure every one of these articles is dated… then file for future use. As you become more and more proficient at your essential blog business, you will realize the crucial significance of this article “compost heap”… and you will make it a key part of your day to add to it by wielding your scissors and cutting out the crucial story ideas and information you need.
4) Each Monday, brainstorm the articles you will need for the week.
Post your draft titles and the date you intend to do them. Remember, your blog should have a format; your articles should fit into this format. My articles, for instance, (including this one) are 3 single-spaced pages in length, about 1,500 words. A lively, timely article of this length and substance anchors your blog and gives it “heft”, the feeling of importance and “must read” value.
5) Do a subject search in the major search engines.
To gather necessary background information and to see what others may have said on the topic, use the search engines assiduously. This is vital. Search engines not only post critical information on any given topic, but tell you when this information was posted. In tracking a developing story, such data are vital.
6) Always, always, always search Wikipedia (founded 2001).
Frankly, for blog publishers and researchers of every kind, Wikipedia takes the cake. As a very active blog content writer, I can confirm that I visit it every single day, and not once either. You will, too — if you want your articles to be informative, grounded by fact and not just your opinions.
7) Write your article copy.
Articles,as noted above, should be of a particular length and format, just like various departments in other publications. These should be written in the second person (“you”).
Paragraphs should be limited to 6-8 lines for easy readability; line length should be limited to 10-14 words, again for easy reading. If you bury your readers under a mountain of intimidating text, they will repay your efforts by.. skipping the arduous task you have assigned them.
8) Edit, proofread, post.
Your blog copy production line should chugging along nicely at this point. Now’s the time to polish with the finishing touches that transform a good article into a great one.
Read your article aloud. This will help you determine whether your sentences are balanced, or not; your construction difficult to comprehend, or mellifluous.
Make sure you have checked your spelling and any facts of which you’re uncertain. Proofreading is a must for your credibility and the value of what you’ve written and will present to the world.
To conclude the production process, post the article on your website and in your blog. You are not merely a blog publisher, you are, better, a publisher, part of the great tradition. Enjoy a moment of joyful reverie, but only a minute. After all, your next deadline already looms, and you must and shall be ready.